If you owned a car and it was giving you problems, who would you take it to to fix it? Would you take it to a car mechanic or would you take it to a plumber or carpenter? Unless you belong in the loony bin, you'd go to the car mechanic of course.
And if you did go to the mechanic, and assuming you drove a Mercedes-Benz, who would you rather take the car to? A qualified, certified Mercedes-Benz car mechanic or a corner mechanic somewhere in your neighbourhood? The qualified dude, of course!! And because you know he's qualified and you're paying him top dollar to work on your car, you expect perfect results. You expect him to fix whatever problem you may have with the car, because you know he's the best man for the job. You demand results!!
I started thinking about this when I considered all the sick people that we have in this world, and particularly in our churches. We all know that we were created by God's own hands. He created everything else by the power of His word, but when it came to mankind, He actually took the time to create us with His own hands. To me that means that nobody, NOBODY, knows me better than He does. Not my doctor, not my GP, not some anatomy professor, nobody. So whatever affliction I may have, He knows best how to fix it. Even if doctors say I have an incurable disease, they do not know how I was created. They were not there when my bones were connected together. They were not there when the blood was first pumped through my veins. They were not there when the labyrinth that is my nervous system was laid with an impossible attention to detail. They were not there when my skull was toughened up so it could protect my grey matter.
They have just spent years learning what God Himself created, and they still don't know enough. They'll never know enough. He knows everything. He created everything. Therefore He can fix EVERYTHING!! I think about this when people believe that God can do something only when man can do it as well. What an insult this must be to God. To be judged as less capable than His own creation! You go out there and ask a Christian, any Christian, if they believe that God can heal all diseases, even the incurable ones, and you're not likely to get a straight answer. And when you do ascertain that God can heal all, you'll be accused of deceiving the people.
Truth is, God is more powerful than we can imagine, and He can do the things that we can't bring ourselves to imagine. He is THE God, there is no other. And no matter what man may say, He is still the Omnipotent God. And if you trust Him fully, and approach His throne with confidence, there is absolutely nothing that He cannot do for you.
I rest,
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