I've been thinking about this subject a lot lately. I don't know if it's my conscience putting it at the front of my mind. I suppose it's because I'm a heavy eater. Anyone who knows me knows that I can eat. Even at the office, at 61kg I'm the light-weight of the dealing room. Nevertheless, I'm still the only one with the proven ability to finish a 600g steak without taking a break to digest it in parts. Yes, we have actually proven this, I am king of the steakhouse.
Thing is, in my view, this is one of those subjects where there's a lot of grey areas. Most people cannot actually tell you what gluttony is. Some will say it's the love of food. Show me one person out there who doesn't love food and I'll show you a liar. Granted, some of us love it more than others (hey), but we all love food. Does it go beyond that then? Another will say it's when the love if food gets in the way of your relationship with God. Personally I have never missed a day at church solely because I was getting food at that time elsewhere. I can site a few times when I've been fasting, and then someone put a fresh chocolate cake or mutton samoosa or pork ribs in front of me and I quickly forgot my fasting. K, so I'm not perfect.
I do believe that maybe this subject should be investigated more. I mean, what are the limits? Is gluttony eating more than 3 square meals a day or are there individual limits based on the person's abilities? Are there any limits at all? Are there different limits for vegetable dishes than there are for meat dishes? Or is it only a sin as far as it affects my health? When Jesus died on the cross and fulfilled the Law, did He fulfill this particular law as well? Should I have my lunch right now or should I wait for someone to respond first and then dig in?
I rest,